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Dragon betta (brought scaly dragon fish) today was developed in terms of shape and color, some color of the Betta Dragon that we frequent:

  • Red Dragon

 Red dragon betta fish

My fish have white pigment coating very thick shell covering the body and operculum as up on the first (full), a white background with metallic highlights of fish. The dorsal, caudal, anal (sometimes up to fin swimming) are red with iridescent white split tail membrane. 1 beautiful red dragon fish’s fins carry one all the same color and clearly separate from the fish body color.

  • Butterfly Border Red Dragon (Red Dragon Butterfly)

 Butterfly Border Red Dragon (Red Dragon Butterfly)

  • Orange (Orange Dragon)

 Orange dragon betta fish

Just like the red dragon, the arowana is committed also the white coating on the orange body and fins to swim, but because this is just in its infancy, the breeders are in the process of stabilizing orange 1 orange dragon excellence is still a dream.

  • Gold Dragon

Gold dragon betta fish

Golden Dragon is made up of one basic way quickly through gene nr (density) appeared contracts times in 1 red dragon betta, one can proceed to breed betta red dragon in many ways from the betta pay dragon available. Dragon betta gold colored body and iridescent white opalescent scales or very beautiful, private gold dragons and dragon betta white finnage same color with the body, in this golden dragon betta dorsal, caudal, ventral , breasts and anal fins yellow

  • Pineapple body color (Pineapple Dragon)

 Pineaple dragon betta fish

This is one form of gold dragon Betta but the body is still black as infection pineapple, if fish scales thickening (white), it is very difficult for us to distinguish with golden dragon but identity is most easily black dark body in the abdomen.

  • White Dragon

 White dragon betta fish

Sort pigments such as red dragon and golden dragon but by different colors of the fins and the public. The dorsal, caudal and anal fins with white.

  • Black Dragon

 Black dragon betta fish

A dragon breed is very “hot” so many people hunt for by beauty “cool” but its elegance. My fish have white pigment coating very thick shell covering the body and operculum as up on the first (full), and the white layer is 1 dark metallic layer thickness, which is the color of Black Copper . A different big of current black dragon is the dorsal, caudal and anal fins are black with split tail membranes of the body-colored fish. 1 beautiful black dragon fish’s fins bring the black one is the same and clearly separate from the fish body color.

  • Blue Dragon (Green or Blue Dragon)

 Blue Dragon (Green or Blue Dragon)

Distribution of colors as well as the red dragon and the other side but on the fish body on a thick white coating on the add 1 metallic layer: color green, turquoise, steel, royal blue … make green dragon more attractive features ru.Cac rays red are mixed membranes vayi the turquoise create harmony and adds to the uniqueness of it. Some children have thick metallic layer covering the eyes look very beautiful.

  • Blue Dragon black border (Black Lace Dragon)

 Blue Dragon black border (Black Lace Dragon)

This is one of the fish involved in the process of creating the black dragon, Dragon Black lace body color Blue on black background white layer under the scales and the basics of the Black Lace line, the bold black border around the fin colored rays blue

  • Bronze (Copper Dragon)

 Bronze (Copper Dragon)

Copper Dragon with the distribution of colors such as Black Dragon, but instead of black pigment in the fins and body will bring dark red.

  • Animation mustard vapor Dragon (Copper Gas Dragon)

 Animation mustard vapor Dragon (Copper Gas Dragon)

A gene pair nr changed 1 notes Copper Dragon Copper Dragon Gas, instead of red fins with copper fins rays, whale carries the fin and yellow fin rays colored copper

  • A little mustard (Mustard Gas Dragon)

 A litle mustard

Recessive gene recombination Mustard Gas in the body 1 Betta make it colored dragon Mustard Gas and bring dragon scales. Blue pigment layer (or Green) thick white coating on the body and the yellow webbing makes it clear contrast.